Provider Types

Behavioral Health


IACP advocates for behavioral healthcare and represents provider systems that are committed to the delivery of responsive, accountable, and clinically effective prevention, treatment and care for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults with mental and substance use disorders.

The IACP vision is of a society that values and maximizes the potential of all its citizens by helping them to achieve overall health. To achieve healthy communities, behavioral health will be recognized, respected, and allocated resources with fairness and equity as part of overall health.

We believe:

  • Behavioral healthcare associations must be united in advocacy goals to successfully improve Idahoans’ access to, coverage for, and outcomes in behavioral healthcare treatment.
  • Leaders must create a climate in which competing association efforts are coordinated, advocacy messages are strengthened, and services for clients/consumers are improved.
  • IACP must remain flexible so that it can work toward this vision.

Residential Habilitation


IACP advocates for residential habilitation and is sometimes referred to as reshab which is a combination of services and supports that are provided to people with physical or intellectual developmental disabilities. These services and supports can be provided up to 24 hours per day and 7 days per week depending on the consumers conditions. The services and/or supports are customized for each individual by their waiver support coordinator that creates their individuals individual support plan (ISP). 

The IACP vision is to ensure the consumers health, safety and welfare and to assist them in the acquisition, improvement, and retention of the skills they need to live with success in their own homes and communities. 

We believe:

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Case Management


IACP advocates for case management and targeted service coordination needs through support for individuals engaged in the field of case management. This service has been created to netter support coordinated care for patients, individuals, and participants with complicated heath needs. 


We believe in:

  • Making a Difference - Opportunity to influence public policy on issues vital to Case Managers through active membership with our Legislative Committee. 
  • Education - Opportunities to access sponsored training and Executive Director developed trainings that support the case management needs from behavioral health case management and targeted service coordination for the developmentally disabled. 
  • Credibility - Professional recognition through our partnerships with the legislature and Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
  • Networking - It's not just who you know! Its also who others know. And what you are willing to share. Come to our quarterly meetings to take opportunity to connect with other providers and the resources we bring together for you. 
  • Resources - Gain a competitive edge over non-members with the knowledge base provided through our membership.

Certified Family Homes


IACP advocates for the needs of Certified Family Home (CFH) providers. CFH provide a safe, family-style living environment for adults who need some assistance with the activities of daily living, but do not require a more restrictive institutional setting. There are over 2,500 Certified Family Homes in communities across the state. 

Usually there are one or two adult residents in a CFH. Each resident has a tailored care plan designed to meet their individual needs and to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in community activities. The CFH is operated by a provider who has received the appropriate training and demonstrated the knowledge and experience to provide safe and effective services to the residents. 

We believe:

  • Safe housing and dignified care is a basic human right for all adults with disabilities.
  • Gaining competitive and liveable wages for CFH providers will foster a sustainable and safer living environment for those we serve.
  • We will advocate for and work with the Legislature and IDHW to DEMONSTRATE that housing rights as well as care and dignity of adults with disabilities is a priority through funding and ease of access by the State of Idaho.
  • CFH providers deserve access and support from IDHW through the CFH Licensing and Certification program.
  • We will work to increase the rights, health, and safety of all CFH providers through supports so they can continue providing care. 
  • We will assist one another to network, grow, learn, and share successes and overcome hurdles.
  • We will collaborate with other providers and obtain and provide resources that will enhance our ability to give the highest quality of care. 
  • In sharing training resources to remain in compliance with CFH IDAPA rules.

Employment Services


IACP advocates for Employment Services providers. These providers assist individuals with disabilities in securing and maintaining employment with employers in the community. These providers help participants identify job opportunities, apply and prepare for job interviews, and work alongside participants on a daily basis to ensure they are successful in meeting their job expectations and in retaining their job.

We believe:

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Developmental Disability Agencies


IACP advocates for developmental disability services and is an inclusive association of community based organizations that support people with disabilities. IACP's mission is to improve services to persons with autism or intellectual and developmental disabilities in Idaho. To accomplish this mission, IACP focuses on educating the provider community on best practices in the field, advocacy, and education regarding public policy. 

We believe in:

  • Inclusion
  • Competence 
  • Professional Conduct 
  • Promotion of Choice
  • Individual Value and Dignity
  • Social Responsibility