Idaho and National Advocacy and Provider Resources:
1. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW): Offers certification, guidelines, and resources for residential habilitation and developmental disability services. Providers can access tools for compliance and service enhancement.
Visit the IDHW.
2. Disability Rights Idaho (DRI): Protects the legal rights of Idahoans with disabilities, offering legal advocacy and promoting policies that improve quality of life.
Visit Disability Rights Idaho.
3. Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD): Works on behalf of people with developmental disabilities by advocating for inclusive policies and community integration.
More info at ICDD.
4. The Arc of the United States: A national organization advocating for the rights of individuals with IDD, focusing on inclusion and policy improvements.
Learn more at The Arc.
5. National Disability Rights Network (NDRN): Provides advocacy services and promotes disability rights across the U.S., with a focus on accessibility, civil rights, and legal protections.
Visit NDRN.
6. ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources): A national trade association representing service providers for individuals with disabilities. ANCOR focuses on legislative advocacy, best practices, and sustainable service delivery.
Visit ANCOR.
7. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS): CMS provides national guidelines for Medicaid and Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), while NASDDDS supports state-level programs with technical assistance and policy development.