Working as a collaborative unit, we are building an exceptional and sustainable community provider environment best suited for most effectively meeting the needs and securing the best outcomes for the individuals we serve.
IACP is THE credible voice of community-based services in Idaho
IACP provides sustainable, collaborative leadership generating effective change for the profession and the people we serve
IACP has negotiated and Idaho has enacted a reimbursement methodology that matches the true cost of providing quality services
IACP works to ensure systems of accountability are consistent, streamlined and transparent, encouraging autonomy in service delivery
IACP works to build a barrier free, holistic delivery system that promotes client choice and meets national standards
IACP fosters increased access to care and reduced stigma through education, advocacy, and promotion of inclusive, accepting communities
Our integrity as individuals, businesses and an organization
Providing high quality, person-centered effective services
Conducting ourselves professionally and ethically
Advocating as a unified voice for ourselves and those we serve
Stable, consistent funding stream
Helping to create the change we seek
Collaborating amongst ourselves and with others
Making an investment in our profession, from our own individual initiatives and growth to the policy structure we work in
Providing for a living wage
Treating everyone, and expecting to be treated, with respect and dignity
Being outcome oriented as an organization and in practice