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Join the IACP

IACP is the association of community-based providers supporting individuals with behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities. IACP was formed in 2014 with the merging of several community- based provider associations formerly representing mental health providers, developmental disabilities agencies, case management, supported living, and addiction counseling and treatment.

Join IACP and together we can advocate for a well-supported and comprehensive community-based service system!

Member Benefits

As a member of IACP you'll have access to:
  • Information on regulatory and legislative initiatives impacting services and service delivery;
  • Advocacy on issues impacting developmental and behavioral health services and service delivery;
  • Written comments and talking points on relevant public policy;
  • Regular Subgroup Meetings with other providers to troubleshoot issues in Developmental Disability Agencies, Supported Living, Case Management, Behavioral Health, and Community-Supported Employment. We’re also adding a group for Certified Family Home providers!
  • Exclusive access to our membership website and message boards to post questions, receive feedback, and learn about offerings which support services and agencies.


For most provider types, annual membership dues are based on your agency's gross annual revenue.

Click here for the dues chart. Annual invoices are sent April/May.

Certified Family Home providers pay a flat rate of $120 annually.

Each new member must select the provider type for which they will maintain voting rights. Members are able to participate in as many subgroup meetings as desired, but can only vote on behalf of one provider type.

Questions about membership? Email

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